
Multi Lang International

In the world of call centers, success is not merely a subjective notion. It’s a quantifiable achievement that relies on robust Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to gauge and enhance performance. As businesses increasingly prioritize customer satisfaction and efficient operations, understanding and monitoring these KPIs becomes vital. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the critical KPI for evaluating call center performance and how they can contribute to your organization’s success.

1. Average Handling Time (AHT) KPI for Evaluating Call Center Performance

What is it? AHT measures the average duration it takes for a call center agent to resolve a customer inquiry, from the initial contact until the issue is resolved or escalated.

Why it Matters: AHT directly impacts both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. A lower AHT suggests quicker issue resolution, which often leads to happier customers and lower operational costs.

2. First-Call Resolution (FCR) Rate

What is it? FCR evaluates the percentage of customer issues that are resolved during the initial contact, without the need for follow-up calls or escalations.

Why it Matters: A high FCR rate indicates efficient and effective customer service. It minimizes customer frustration, reduces call volume, and enhances overall satisfaction.

3. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) KPI for Evaluating Call Center Performance

What is it? CSAT is a direct KPI for evaluating call center peroformance. It typically involves asking customers to rate their satisfaction with the service received.

Why it Matters: High CSAT scores correlate with customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Monitoring CSAT helps identify areas for improvement in customer service.

4. Net Promoter Score (NPS) KPI for Evaluating Call Center Performance

What is it? NPS measures customer loyalty and willingness to recommend a company’s services to others. Customers are asked to rate on a scale how likely they are to recommend the company.

Why it Matters: A high NPS indicates strong customer loyalty and brand advocacy. It’s a valuable indicator of long-term success and growth potential.

5. Abandonment Rate

What is it? Abandonment rate is a KPI for evaluating call center peroformance that measures the percentage of customers who hang up or disconnect before reaching an agent.

Why it Matters: High abandonment rates often signal long wait times or inefficient call routing, negatively impacting customer satisfaction and potentially losing business opportunities.

6. Service Level

What is it? Service level represents the percentage of calls answered within a specified time frame, such as 20 seconds.

Why it Matters: Maintaining a high service level is essential for meeting customer expectations and minimizing wait times, which is crucial for satisfaction.

7. Agent Occupancy Rate KPI for Evaluating Call Center Performance

What is it? Agent occupancy rate measures the percentage of time agents are actively handling customer interactions compared to their total available time.

Why it Matters: Optimizing agent occupancy ensures that you have the right number of agents available to handle calls efficiently, preventing both underutilization and burnout.

8. Call Resolution Rate 

What is it? Call resolution rate is a KPI for evaluating call center peroformance that measures the percentage of calls that are resolved to the customer’s satisfaction, regardless of whether it requires a single interaction or multiple follow-ups.

Why it Matters: A high call resolution rate indicates efficient problem-solving and better customer experiences.


Measuring success in your call center relies on tracking these key performance indicators. By monitoring and optimizing AHT, FCR, CSAT, NPS, abandonment rate, service level, agent occupancy rate, and call resolution rate, your call center can enhance customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall success. These KPIs not only serve as performance benchmarks but also as powerful tools for continuous improvement and achieving your business goals.



1. What should my call center aim for in terms of Average Handling Time (AHT)?

 The ideal AHT can vary depending on your industry and the complexity of customer inquiries. However, the general goal is to strike a balance between minimizing AHT and ensuring that customer issues are adequately resolved. It’s essential to focus on efficiency without compromising the quality of service. Aim to benchmark your AHT against industry standards and continuously work on improving it while keeping customer satisfaction in mind.

2. How can we improve our First-Call Resolution (FCR) rate?

 Improving FCR requires a combination of factors. Start by providing comprehensive training to your call center agents to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to handle a wide range of customer inquiries effectively. Implement effective call routing strategies to connect customers with the most qualified agents quickly. Additionally, analyze customer feedback and call recordings to identify recurring issues and develop strategies to resolve them during the initial contact.

3. What can we do to boost our Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?

Elevating NPS and CSAT scores involves a customer-centric approach. Ensure that your call center agents are not only resolving issues but also actively listening to customers, showing empathy, and going the extra mile to exceed expectations. Collect customer feedback after interactions to understand their sentiments and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to refine agent training and call center processes continuously. Additionally, create a culture of accountability and excellence among your agents to drive improvements in overall customer satisfaction.

We here at Multilang look forward to assisting you with all your call center needs. Contact us today by calling us at: 1(888) 991-8066 or email us direct at: Info@multilang.ca

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